Handpicked Santa Fe

This project was for handpicked SANTA FE, which is the real estate brand of long-time friend Daniel Huberman. Daniel is a really good guy — personable, knowledgable, caring, hard-working. He makes a great realtor.

Daniel gave me carte blanche with the creative side of things. He already had a site built, but essentially just told me to make it “sexy.” I took his existing content and general navigation structure and gave it a new look and feel. I used a really flexible and innovative new theme I’ve been playing with, created a new color scheme, updated the typography, and helped enter a ton of new content. It’s a vast improvement with a better UX and much more polished UI.

Patrick is one of the most creative guys I have had the opportunity to work with. He seems to have an endless pool of ideas that are fun and fresh. Besides his talent, Patrick is also a good guy to work with. He is an asset to any person or company that decides to do business with him.

Brian Tercero, The Very Best of Santa Fe